LIFE Training Center LLC, has partnered with touze health institute, to provide the Annual Inservices required to keep your certification(s) valid.  we ensure that these course are designed with the critical purpose of keeping students up to date with the fast paced industry changes. 

Our continuing education course include:

● ashi OSHA/ Bloodborne Pathogens Training—We make bloodborne pathogens training available to all of our students. The ashi blood borne paothgens trainign program is for students who are trainined and/or first aid provider, or has a job in which exposure risk to bloodborne pathogens is increased.  



● Skills Review—Even the most experienced nursing assistants could use a refresher from time to time. We can get so bogged down by the daily application of our skills that we neglect to notice the little things. Repetition can lead to complacency, which leads to mistakes. Continuing your education can be both a fun and necessary part of growing as a medical practitioner! 

Doctors and high level medical personnel are required to stay up to date in their field. Nurses should do the same! 

Speak to our experienced teachers to find out more about continuing education for nursing assistants!

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